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Criminal Division Kicks Off Juveniles Session
Hon. Justice Micheal Elubu seated on the extreme right at the commencement of the Juveniles Session

On Monday August 23, 2021, the Criminal Division of the High Court started hearings of a Juveniles Session at Naguru Remand Home where 20 cases will be handled.

The session is being presided over by the Head of Division, Hon. Justice Micheal Elubu. Before the session could kick off, Hon. Justice Elubu was taken on guided tour of the premises by the Senior Probation and Welfare Officer, Ministry of Gender and Social Development and in-charge of the Remand Home, Ms Kyomugisha Mary.

He went on to hold a brief meeting with state attorneys and defense counsel to discuss how best the session would run.

Hon. Justice Elubu appreciated the general appearance of the children and the entire remand home and applauded all the efforts rendered. "I highly commend the administration of the Remand Home for the good work done in maintaining the home as well as the children," he said.

He further emphasized time keeping so that all cases cause-listed are handled on time to avoid adjourning cases to next sessions.

Ms Hope Mutonyi Rukundo, a State Attorney from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, pledged readiness to take on the session in-spite of the constraints.

Ms Winfred Adukule- Meuter, an advocate on private brief, confirmed that they had received all disclosure and interacted with the children and eight of them had expressed willingness to plead guilty.

The in-charge informed the Judge that the Ministry of Gender has provided platforms for transforming minds of these children into better people. She said some of these activities included football and aerobics to improve the health of the children adding that they are engaged in best agriculture practices as well.

Posted 23rd, August 2021
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